Living in what most are saying to be a “post Christian nation”, investing myself and much in resources to reach into other nations might seem like a critical error with so much needing to be done here in my own nation.  So, why am I going to Brazil and Cape Verde, West Africa?  Good question!

Jesus said this, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”  (John 5:19)  Years ago, the Henry Blackaby “Experiencing God” study was a HUGE influence.  One of the principles he taught came from what Jesus said in John 5:19, “Look where God is working and join Him in his work.”

I do believe God is working in the US but, in my opinion…He is working to declare and define the true remnant, the Church…which He will purify through a time of calling and testing.  How do I know this?  I am one, I am a part of the Church!  I have never sensed a greater calling to purity and focus in my life as I do now.  My fight against “sin patterns”, though still intense daily, are less important in comparison to being a child of God and ready to go at any given moment.  My burden for my neighbors and the nations are more intense than ever before!  God is working for sure…in the church here.

I believe God is working in a huge way among the many nations, in particular for me, Brazil and Cape Verde.  I am simply “Going…”, joining God in where He is working and joining Him in His work!  There is much that occurs internally in a Believers life while on the mission field in other nations.  One, their world view and the size of the Gospel message is stretched so they can see that God speaks other languages than English!  Two, a revelation occurs that Kingdom work is daily and with the people in your life during that day.  And, you get to experience “all the possibilities” God brings when your focus is on serving and not being served!

Our nation is where it is because of “entitlement”…it’s that simple.  We live as if we are owed and not owned.  Much of the Church seems that way here too.  God owes us favor and blessings because…?  Well, at one point it was because we were grateful and understood our need for a Holy God.  But, apparently our need for God is less important than what others might think to be offensive say, when it comes to choice and convenience, or a manger scene.  Where God is working is in nations where people are only seeking Him, not their own rights or a plural mindset towards God.

I have one goal now as I am heading into the latter days of my remaining life.  It is to produce 100 me’s!  Over the years of my life, the last thing I would want is 100 me’s running around!  But as God has placed this calling on me to invest myself in such a way that I would cause 100 people to have the same passion for Christ, my family, the Church and the Nations…that is my goal, that is my hearts desire until Christ comes or I breath my last breath.

As I invite people to come and join us on our small teams to reach these nations (and I believe more nations will be added), these 100 me’s will not just be from the US.  The 100 me’s will come from some in other nations who’s hearts are drawn by the Holy Spirit of God to, “Look where God is working and join Him in His work.” to reach their own nation and others too.

Unfortunately, much of the “Church” is indulging rather than purifying.  I cannot control that, only by the grace of God, can I ask Him each day for a broken heart towards my sin and a desire to glorify Him in my body.  I pray for the constraints of God Spirit to be on me, even moment by moment to remain pure and sober minded as I go and find 100 me’s.


Rex Briant